Dog Breeds

French Bulldog 

  • Breed Overview

    Frequency of shedding



    Interaction with kids

    Compatibility with other pets

    Attitude towards family

    Social behavior

    Training level


    Activity rate

    Physical activity requirements

    Barking tendencies

    Breathing concerns

Dog Breeds

French Bulldog 

The French Bulldog is one of the most popular small dog breeds on the planet. It is preferred for its compact size and affectionate nature. Its small size and low exercise intensity make it an ideal companion for urban environments. These important family members don’t necessarily bark much, but they are excellent watchdogs due to their vigilance. 

French Bulldogs have a playful yet calm temperament, which provides the perfect balance for both active and passive lifestyles. These beloved pets are great companions, especially for inexperienced owners. They don’t require much exercise and are content to just sleep next to you – unsurprisingly, this is their favorite demeanor.

The Main Characteristics:

  • Loving nature 
  • Peace of mind
  • Sociability
  • Adaptable character
  • Vigilance
  • Intelligence
  • Stubbornness
  • Loyalty
  • Fun
  • Heat sensitivity
  • Detailed Information


    Female and male French Bulldogs reach 28-33 centimeters in height. As for other physical measures, their length ranges between 46-55 centimeters.


    Individual cases of French Bulldog weight vary according to genetics, diet, and health status. But generally, male French Bulldogs weigh between 9.1 and 12.7 kg, while female French Bulldogs, reach 7.3-10.9 kilograms.


    The life expectancy of a French Bulldog ranges from 11 to 14 years and is equivalent to about 60-72 years of human life. But still, remember, these figures are only conditional, and the life expectancy of our important family members greatly depends on their healthy lifestyle and harmonious living environment.


    The short, glossy coat characteristic of the French Bulldog requires minimal maintenance. Due to their tendency to shed, brushing the fur of these important family members once a week is quite sufficient. This procedure will help to remove fallen fur strands and distribute natural oils beneficial to the skin throughout the body.

  • French Bulldog Personality

    The French Bulldog is a loving, family-oriented canine that appreciates spending time with human companions. It’s not uncommon for these important family members to show stubbornness, so it takes some effort to train them. But don’t worry! With patience and reward-based training, they can easily learn basic commands like sit, stand, and come to you on cue. 

    French Bulldogs are also known for their vigilance and despite their small size, they make excellent watchdogs. They are content with moderate exercise and due to their relatively low activity, easily adapt to living even in a small apartment. 

    Most of these beloved companions live happily with other pets. Nevertheless, some of them tend to chase smaller companion animals. Without socialization, the French Bulldog may even show aggression towards dogs of the same sex. If there are other companion animals in the family, they may even get jealous. With that in mind, for reasonable interaction in an unfamiliar environment, socialization is particularly important for French Bulldogs.

  • Potential Health Problems

    Hereditary Cataract

    Cataracts cause a gradual deterioration of the companion animal’s vision. At this time, the crystal, which is transparent in a healthy eye, acquires a grayish or milky color. 

    Congenital cataracts are usually caused by an infectious disease or birth trauma acquired during the mother’s pregnancy. Although the management of congenital diseases is often beyond our control, consuming foods rich in vitamins C and E can greatly improve the eye health of your companion animal. As a competent parent, remember that regular veterinary check-ups and protecting the eyes from the harmful effects of the sun are prerequisites for effective disease management.

    Degenerative Myelopathy 

    Myelopathy affects the spinal cord of our beloved companions. The symptoms of this inherited disease are caused by damage to the brain cells responsible for movement and balance. Although myelopathy is incurable, there are several ways to improve the quality of life of your companion animals. In such cases, consultation with a veterinarian is the best solution.


    Like humans, companion animals can develop stones both in their kidneys and gallbladder. This phenomenon is so common that veterinarians are no longer surprised by their existence. However, solid growths don’t only occur in the kidneys, bladder, and gallbladder. For reasons known or unknown to us, stones may also form in other parts of the body. To effectively manage this process and to implement appropriate medical intervention in time, regular visits to the veterinarian are of particular importance.

    Kneecap Dislocation

    Kneecap dislocation is a hereditary problem. To avoid the discomfort caused by this problem, it is necessary to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. A balanced intake of lean meats, eggs, high-quality protein, calcium, and phosphorus will help your important family members develop muscles properly. 

    Corrective surgery may be necessary to correct severe cases of knee cap dislocation. However, regular veterinary check-ups will detect early signs of kneecap dislocation and allow you to take appropriate measures at an early stage of the disease’s development.

    Breathing Difficulties 

    The French Bulldog is brachycephalic. This means that he has a short nose and narrowed nostrils. Because of this, as the body temperature rises, the issue of breathing becomes more and more important. This problem gets worse with weight gain. That is why eating healthy food and monitoring weight is of particular importance to prevent the problem.

    Competent French Bulldog parents should also know that these dear companion animals are prone to heatstroke. Therefore, leaving them in a closed space (apartment or car) for a long time is especially dangerous. 

    In such an environment, French and English Bulldogs find it difficult to breathe and develop convulsive attacks. While walking in the sun or the frost, you will also easily notice how your companion animals start snoring. This is due to the accumulation of large amounts of mucus in their nasal cavity.

  • Nutrition & Feeding

    French Bulldogs need a balanced diet rich in high-quality protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. With that in mind, there are many factors to consider when choosing food for a French Bulldog, including age, lifestyle, activity level, physiological state, and health. It’s conventional wisdom that food provides the energy necessary for the dog to perform its vital functions, and that’s exactly why it should contain all the elements necessary for life.

    If you decide to share your meals with a companion animal, consult a nutritionist beforehand and make sure that these foods are safe for your furry friends. Be especially careful of cooked bones and fatty foods. 

    Due to their low activity level and particular love of eating, French Bulldogs tend to gain excess weight. With this in mind, it is important to pay due attention to the amount of fatty foods they consume. A balanced diet and regular exercise are especially important in preventing obesity in French Bulldogs.

    These important family members are often prone to food allergies as well. Allergy symptoms may include itchy skin, ear infections, and gastrointestinal problems. If you suspect that your French Bulldog also has a food allergy, consult a nutritionist immediately.

    Establishing a regular meal schedule effectively aids the efficient functioning of the digestive system. As a rule, two meals are appropriate for adult dogs, however, since the requirements of puppies in terms of energy, proteins, minerals, and vitamins are much higher, it is advised to divide their daily dose of food into three meals.

  • History of Origin

    The French Bulldog originated from a miniature version of the British Bulldog and gained particular popularity in the Nottingham region of central England. The French Bulldog was most prized in the lace industry for its ability to chase rodents. During the Industrial Revolution, workers left England for better opportunities in France and took their beloved friends with them. 

    The breed immediately won the love of the French public. Bulldog became especially popular in Paris. The French referred to these important family members as Bouledogues Français and considered them fashionable companions of elite society. In France, breeders refined the Bulldog’s characteristics even more and put a special emphasis on the “bat ears” characteristic of the breed. 

    Although this visual feature has become a symbol of the breed, there was a time when “Frenchies” had ears similar to English Bulldogs. However, after a heated debate between American and French Bulldog fans regarding the breed standard, it was decided that the preferred standard for the French was “bat ears”.

    Later, the French took care of refining the personality of the Bulldog and mated the breed with other local breeds, terriers, and pugs to get a gentle temperament. At the end of the 19th century, the French Bulldog was considered a breed of high society. Even famous French artists such as Edgar Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec often depicted French Bulldogs in their paintings.