Dog Breeds

Jack Russell Terrier

  • Breed Overview

    Frequency of shedding



    Interaction with kids

    Compatibility with other pets

    Attitude towards family

    Social behavior

    Training level


    Activity rate

    Physical activity requirements

    Barking tendencies

    Breathing concerns

Dog Breeds

Jack Russell Terrier

Boundless energy and outstanding intelligence make the Jack Russell Terrier the perfect companion for people and families with an active lifestyle. The unique combination of speed and athleticism gives this beloved companion an excellent opportunity to show itself in various dog sports. Beyond athleticism, the Jack Russell is distinguished by its special loyalty to its family members. Despite the small size characteristic of the breed, Jack Russell Terriers often show courage along with fearless behavior.

The Main Characteristics:

  • High level of intelligence
  • Loving nature
  • Sociability
  • Fearless nature
  • Active vocalization
  • Courage 
  • vitality
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Stubbornness
  • Detailed Information


    Female and male Jack Russell Terriers typically stand between 25 and 30 centimeters in height. In terms of length, both females and males measure between 46 and 55 centimeters.


    The weight of Jack Russell Terriers can vary based on factors such as genetics, diet, and overall health. Typically, adult male and female Jack Russell Terriers weigh between 4.1 kilograms and 6.8 kilograms.


    The life expectancy of a Jack Russell Terrier ranges from 13 to 16 years and is equivalent to about 68-80 years of human life. However, remember, these figures are only conditional, and the life expectancy of your important family member depends on his healthy lifestyle and harmonious living environment.


    Representatives of the Jack Russell Terrier breed are characterized by short and dense double-layered fur. While the outer layer of fur is rough, the under layer is considerably softer. This type of fur coat is an excellent thermal insulator, however, it requires regular maintenance to maintain optimal condition.

  • Jack Russell Terrier Personality

    Jack Russell Terriers are known for their energetic and adventurous nature. Along with their bold and fearless demeanor, they often show boundless enthusiasm for play and exploration. High intelligence and keen instincts make the Jack Russell an excellent hunter. Due to their original purpose, these companion animals have a natural affinity for activities such as digging, chasing, and searching.

    When it comes to relationships with family members, Jack Russell Terriers are loyal and loving. Along with adults, they adapt perfectly to children, especially if they grow up with them. With proper socialization and training, these important members of the family have no difficulty living harmoniously with other pets.

    Jack Russell Terriers have a reputation for being difficult to train, but in reality, they are quite intelligent and will easily remember our instructions if we are patient during the training process and focus only on positive teaching practices.

  • Potential Health Problems

    Kneecap Dislocation

    Dislocation of the kneecap is a hereditary problem. To avoid the discomfort and pain caused by this problem, regular exercise of the muscles around the joints and maintaining a healthy weight are especially important. Corrective surgery may be necessary to correct severe cases of this condition. However, regular veterinary check-ups will detect early signs of kneecap dislocation and allow you to take appropriate measures at an early stage of the disease’s development.

    Hearing Problems

    Hearing problems may be congenital or develop later due to factors such as old age or ear infections. Hearing problems significantly affect a dog’s quality of life and often require adjustments in training and communication methods.

    Eye Concerns

    Cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy are diseases that can threaten the eye health of the Jack Russell Terrier. A regular eye examination by a veterinary ophthalmologist will help you detect this condition at an early stage and plan an effective course of treatment. Eye diseases may require medication or surgery to manage symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

  • Nutrition & Feeding

    When feeding the Jack Russell Terrier, to ensure the health and well-being of the representatives of the breed, several issues should be considered. Above all, it is important to provide a balanced diet that thoroughly meets their nutritional needs. For instance, Jack Russells are active and energetic dogs, so to develop and restore muscles, the food provided to them should contain high-quality protein.

    A balanced intake of lean meats, eggs, high-quality protein, calcium, and phosphorus will help our beloved companions develop muscles properly and maintain their health. Calcium and phosphorus are substances necessary for bone health, which contribute to joint health.

    To get the necessary energy, Jack Russell’s diet should contain an adequate amount of fat, and essential fatty acids to maintain a healthy skin and coat. Carbohydrate intake is no less important for important members of our family, although their source should be grains and vegetables.

    Portion control is especially important to prevent companion animal obesity. Being overweight can cause various health problems for our furry friends, including joint problems and even diabetes. A meal plan based on your dog’s weight, age, and activity level will help determine the appropriate portion size.

    Avoid offering chunks of food to your Jack Russell. This can lead to nutritional imbalances. Remember that certain human foods, such as chocolate, onions, and grapes, are toxic to dogs and should not be offered to important family members.

    Because of its active lifestyle, the Jack Russell Terrier needs more water than other breeds. Therefore, make sure that the water bowl is placed in a convenient place for your beloved friend and that it is always full.

    Remember, a regular meal schedule helps digestion along with establishing a routine. Watch closely for any sudden changes in your companion animal’s weight, appetite, or behavior, and consult a nutritionist for dietary recommendations tailored to your important family member.

  • History of Origin

    The history of the Jack Russell Terrier breed began in England in the first half of the 19th century. The breed was named after John Russell, a person interested in breeding terriers suitable for fox hunting. Russell aimed to create a small agile dog that could accompany hunters and chase foxes out of their dens effectively.

    To this end, John Russell bred different breeds of hunting ability, including fox terriers, bull terriers, and beagles. His main goal was to focus on such qualities as intelligence, endurance, and courage. The terriers obtained as a result of the selection acquired the ability to overcome the rough terrain characteristic of the English countryside and strong hunting instincts.

    Over time, the Jack Russell Terrier, distinguished by its strength, speed, and boundless energy, became a favorite breed for hunters and farmers. Soon, this popularity spread beyond England and the breed gained worldwide recognition.

    At the end of the 19th century, the Jack Russell Terrier was officially recognized. However, to preserve and popularize the unique characteristics of the breed, its traits began to be standardized only in the 20th century.