Cat Breeds

American Shorthair

  • Breed Overview

    Attitude towards family

    Need for socialization

    Frequency of shedding

    Tendency to vocalize


    Attitude toward other pets




Cat Breeds

American Shorthair

The American Shorthair occupies a special place in the hearts of cat lovers thanks to its distinctive features. One of the most noteworthy traits of this companion animal is the wide range of coat coloration. This assortment of variations allows potential owners to choose the American Shorthair that best suits their aesthetic preferences.

Beyond its impressive appearance, the American Shorthair also retains a friendly and calm temperament. Representatives of this breed get along well with children and live harmoniously with other pets. The American Shorthair is characterized by incomparable health and longevity. This allows them to enjoy life by your side for many years.

The Main Characteristics:

  • Ability to adapt to a variety of living environments
  • Friendly temperament
  • Gentle nature
  • Intelligence
  • Minimal maintenance required
  • Strong health
  • Curiosity
  • Love of adventure
  • Independence
  • Detailed Information


    The height of the American shorthair reaches 20-25 centimeters, and the length ranges from 30-38 centimeters.


    An adult American Shorthair weighs from 4.5 kilograms to 6.8 kilograms. The weight of the American Shorthair varies in each case according to genetics, diet, and health status.


    The lifespan of the American Shorthair ranges from 15 to 20 years. However, these indications are tentative and your beloved family member’s life expectancy significantly depends on their healthy lifestyle and stress-free living environment. Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet will greatly improve the quality of life of your companion animal.


    The thick fur characteristic of the American Shorthair is soft and velvety to the touch. The fur is distinguished by a variety of colors, however, most often you will meet American Shorthairs with brown, black, white, gray, and cream shades. The fur coat of these companion animals requires minimal maintenance, nevertheless, regular brushing can help reduce shedding and keep the fur healthy.

  • American Shorthair Personality
  • Potential Health Problems
  • Nutrition & Feeding
  • History of Origin